Careers Programme Information

At The Stockwood Park Academy, we are committed to providing a careers programme to inform and equip every student in Year 7 to 13 with the information, skills and options needed to ensure they have a successful and smooth transition from education into employment.

We offer a tailored careers programme for each year group, which is designed to inspire our students, raise their aspirations and promote access to different career paths. In addition to year group activities, we also give parents information at planned events throughout the year and listen to student and parents voices regarding careers education through annual focus groups and questionnaires.

In 2014, Lord Sainsbury's Gatsby Charitable foundation published a report titled 'Good Career Guidance'. The report identified eight benchmarks that are core dimension of good careers and enterprise provision in schools. We are currently working towards meeting all eight benchmarks to ensure our students have the very best careers provision available.

The eight benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking the curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experience of workplaces
  7. Encounters with higher education
  8. Personal guidance.

We have a dedicated Careers Leader, Jo Ojulah , who oversees all aspects of careers education, advice and guidance at The Stockwood Park Academy. Mrs Ojulah can be contacted on Supporting Mrs Ojulah is Samantha Bonn who is the Graduate Careers Co-ordinator and can be contacted on

In addition to Mrs Ojulah and Miss Bonn,  Mr Sudbery, Vice Principal, also provides assistance with personal development with career opportunities.

To help us deliver each of the Gatsby benchmarks, we work with a range of partners and organisations to support our careers and IAG provision. Some of our partners are shown below:

Luton Careers Hub

Support in meeting the Gatsby benchmarks and evaluating careers and IAG provision.

Luton Borough Council Post 16 Prospectus

This prospectus gives vital information and aids the process to next steps such as sixth form, college, T Levels or apprenticeships. 

Please click on the link below or scan the QR code to gain access.


Platform to help students make the best choices and submit the strongest applications. Students also record all their career encounters and opportunities on here.

Local and National Universities

We work with a range of local and national universities to provide opportunities for our students to visit campuses, attend lectures, shadow students and support our employability programme.

Local and National Employers

We work with a range of local and national employers to provide opportunities for our students to experience the world of work, visit workplaces and have encounters with.

The Stockwood Park Academy facilitates access of providers to the academy for the purpose of giving students information about the provider's access or training offer. This complies with the school's legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. For further details, please see our Provider Access Policy in the document section of this page. 

Document Title Date Download
Careers Policy 24th Jul 2024 Download
Provider Access Policy 24th Jul 2024 Download