
Statement of Entry

Make sure you check that all your subjects are shown and that you are entered for the correct tier. If you think you have any problems, see Mrs Cameron in the Exams Office as soon as possible.


This is your own personalised timetable and will show you exactly when and where you will sit each exam Check it carefully and make sure all of your subjects are listed.


All equipment is supplied for you apart from highlighters; please do not bring anything else into the exam. Any unauthorised items e.g. glasses cases, pencil cases that are not see-through, calculator lids and instructions, etc, should be left in your bag.

During Your Exams

  • Arrive at the exam room at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • There are notices displayed inside and outside of the exam room listing the exam rules and regulations. They are also attached to your exam timetable. It is important that you read and understand them.
  • You are under exam conditions from when you enter the exam room. Find your seat quickly so that the exam can start on time. Do not communicate with other candidates in the room.
  • Make sure your mobile phone, iPod, MP3 etc, is switched off and left in your bag. If any of these items are found in your possession during an exam, whether it is switched on or not, you will be disqualified from the exam.
  • No food is allowed in the exam room. You may bring a bottle of water as long as the bottle is clear and the labe has been removed. Remember that toilet breaks are only allowed in an emergency and must be supervised.
  • If you have a problem during the exam, raise your hand and wait for the invigilator to come to you. Invigilators cannot answer any questions about the content of the exam paper.
  • You will not be allowed to leave the exam room before the end of the exam. If you finish early, go back and check your answers.
  • If you are unable to attend an exam, call the school and let the Exams Office know. You will be charged for missing exams without a good reason.

If you have any questions regarding the information above, please speak with Mrs Cameron or visit the Exams Office.

Examination Policies 2024-25

Access Arrangements Policy 2024-25Word Processor Policy 2024-25

Examination Information 2024-25

JCQ Exam Day Check List 2024-25JCQ Conducting Examinations 2024-25JCQ Coursework Assessments 2024-25JCQ Non-Examination Assessments 2024-25JCQ On-Screen Tests 2024-25JCQ Parent Guidance: Access Arrangements 2024-25JCQ Privacy Notice 2024-25JCQ Social Media Infographic 2024-25JCQ Unauthorised Items Poster 2024-25JCQ Warning To Candidates 2024-25JCQ Written Examinations 2024-25